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Grant Opportunities

Grant Opportunities with the ACC Foundation 

The ACC Foundation offers a number of different grant opportunities. A list of those grants can be found below, as well as specifications for each grant. 

External Grants - Open to the Public

Granum Grant
Granum Grant Application
Deadline: December 31 and June 1 (Notification of award will occur within one [1] month of each deadline)
Submit complete application to the ACC Foundation/Granum Grant
665 Johnson St. Alpena, Michigan, 49707
ATTN: Kerrie Kamyszek, ACC Foundation Granum Grants Programming Coordinator, 989-358-7359, kamyszek@alpenacc.edu.

Available to local school districts, churches, and federal 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organizations, Granum Grants provide opportunity for educational programming, lectures, cultural performances, performing arts, and community-based events within the Granum Theatre at Alpena Community College.

Total funds available each year fluctuate, there are no minimum or maximum limits for individual grant requests, however, requests of $5,000 or less are recommended. Granum Grants provide full or partial funding for programming, use of the Granum Theatre and surrounding complex, and technical audio/visual support for projects/programs/events which must be factored into the proposal along with marketing costs where appropriate.

A Complete Application Includes:

  1. Signed Granum Grant - Specifications
  2. Complete Granum Grant Application – Cover Sheet, Narratives, Budget, Facility Contract
  3. Supplementals – Support literature, biographies, video/links, etc. conducive to the grant screening committee’s understanding of the proposed project/program may complement the application
  4. Support Documents (as applicable to the type of applicant)
    1. Non-profits need to provide a copy of 501 (c)(3) federal Determination Letter or a copy of their most recent 990, a copy of minutes with approved Board resolution in support of Granum Grant request, and a list of the current Board of Directors for the organization

Internal Grants - Open to ACC Faculty & Staff

To apply for any of these grants, please fill out the Common Grant Application

Jessie C. James Emphasis on Learning (EOL) GrantDeadline: September – April 30, first-come-first-serve 

Available to all ACC staff for equipment, programs, and projects of an instructional nature in the amount of $1,500 per academic department and academic year (Social Sciences, English/Humanities/Fine Arts, Math, Professional Occupations, Science, Industrial Technology).  Programs/projects must directly benefit and involve students. Collaborative projects among departments are encouraged. 

Jessie C. James Emphasis on Learning (EOL) Grant – Specifications

Available to all ACC staff for equipment, programs, and projects of an instructional nature in the amount of $1,500 per academic department and academic year (Social Sciences, English/Humanities/Fine Arts, Math, Professional Occupations, Science, Industrial Technology).  Programs/projects must directly benefit and involve students. Collaborative projects among departments are encouraged. 

Proposals may include research projects, guest speakers, collaborative events with two or more area programs or departments, workshops/community outreach, supplement to field trips with students, software to benefit the classroom/training experience, non-computer equipment, etc. Consideration will be given to computer equipment only if the Technology Committee is providing partial funding and not otherwise eligible for General Fund or Perkins Funds resources. Technology projects such as computer hardware and technical equipment must first be submitted to the Technology Committee and receive partial funding prior to or in coordination with an EOL application.

Grants requests must be sponsored and receive prior approval by one of the academic departments with the coordination and approval of the department chair prior to a grant application being submitted. Intra-departmental competition for funds is likely and therefore requires departments to consider proportioning grant requests in coordination with one another if more than one application per department is likely in an academic year. If several individuals plan to request EOL funds through a respective department, such requests should be prioritized as a department with the coordination of a respective department chair before funding requests are submitted.  Grant requests will not be considered without the Department Chair's prior approval for consideration. 

Proposed programs/projects may not be funded if they are otherwise eligible for General Fund or Perkins Funds resources.  Technology projects such as computer hardware and technical equipment must first be submitted to the Technology Committee and receive partial funding prior to, or in coordination with, an EOL application.  If partial funding would not be helpful to achieve the program/project, indicate as much in the application.

Deadline: September – April 30, first-come-first-serve

Submit complete application to the EOL Grant Committee Chair
665 Johnson St. Alpena, Michigan, 49707
ATTN: Deb Hautau, EOL Committee Chair Ext. 7309

A Complete Application Includes:

  1. Signed Emphasis on Learning (EOL) Grant – Specifications
  2. Complete Common Grant Application – Cover Sheet, Narratives, Budget
  3. Supplementals – Support literature, biographies, video/links, etc. conducive to the grant screening committee’s understanding of the proposed project/program may complement the application
  4. EOL Grant Guidelines
    1. Department chair approval is required prior to submitting an application. Include email confirmation with the application.
    2. Grants dollars awarded must be used by June 30 (fiscal year-end).
    3. Check requests for advance payment for a guest speaker stipend or travel advances, etc. must be completed at least ten (10) days in advance of the date needed.
    4. Packing slips for secured equipment and materials purchased with grant funds must be signed and submitted to the Foundation Office noting the items secured immediately upon receipt and no later than the due date for the Common Application - Final Report.


I understand that the requirements for the Emphasis on Learning (EOL) Grant are stated above.  I also understand that ACC is not responsible for the planning, marketing, or implementation of the proposed project/program.  It is the responsibility of the department/primary contact person to make the project/program a success using the resources of the grant as approved.  I also understand that once the project is complete, I have thirty (30) days to submit a Common Application – Final Report.

Program Support Grant Deadline:  Ongoing (notification of awards will occur within one [1] week of submission)

Available to ACC Full-time Faculty, Program Support Grants provide supplemental resources for projects relative to specified programs at ACC (academic or otherwise). The annual dollar amounts available and any stipulations of each designated fund vary. Check with the ACC Foundation for details.

Program Support Grant – Specifications

Available to ACC Full-time Faculty, Program Support Grants provide supplemental resources for projects relative to specified programs at ACC (academic or otherwise). The annual dollar amounts available and any stipulations of each designated fund vary. Check with the ACC Foundation for details.

Program Support Grant requests must be coordinated with the Vice President of Instruction and respective Department Chair relative to the General Fund Budget, Perkins Grant, and/or other institutional resources available. Program Support Grants are intended to help bolster a specific project in conjunction with such institutional resources and especially where such resources are not readily available for a designated program.

Program Support Funds:

  • ACC Lecture Series
  • AIM Concrete Technology
  • Auto Service Program
  • Business Management Program Support
  • Concrete Technology Program Support
  • Counseling Center Support
  • Criminal Justice Program Support
  • Drafting Program Support
  • English Department Support
  • Fine Arts Support
  • Greenhouse Project
  • Humanities Program Support
  • Learning Center Support
  • Library Support
  • Machine Tool Program Support
  • Management Information Services
  • Marine Technology Program Support
  • Mathematics Program Support
  • Nursing Department Support
  • Oscoda Campus Support
  • Pre-Engineering Program Support
  • Social Sciences Support
  • Sciences Program Support
  • Utility Tech Program Support
  • WCCT Partners in Progress
  • Welding Program Support
  • Wilson Fine Arts Support

Deadline:  Ongoing (notification of awards will occur within one [1] week of submission)

Submit complete application to the ACC Foundation/Program Support Grant
665 Johnson St., Alpena, Michigan, 49707
ATTN: Penny Boldrey, Interim Executive Director of ACC Foundation, 989-358-7297, boldreyp@alpenacc.edu

A Complete Application Includes:

  1. Signed Program Support Grant - Specifications
  2. Complete Common Grant Application – Cover Sheet Only
  3. Program Support Grant Guidelines
    1. Applications must be submitted along with the written support (email) of the Vice President of Instruction and the appropriate Department Chair for the respective program affected by the proposal. Support should highlight how such funding would enhance existing institutional resources for the project or fill a void where current institutional resources are not available.


I understand that the requirements for Program Support Grant are stated above. I also understand that ACC is not responsible for the planning, marketing, or implementation of the proposed project. It is the responsibility of the primary contact person to make the project a success using the resources of the grant as approved.  I also understand that once the project is complete, I have thirty (30) days to submit a Common Application – Final Report.

Dr. Russell H. and Fromilda Y. Wilson Endowed Teaching Chair Award Past Award Winners
Deadline: April 1 (notification of award will occur within two [2] months of deadline)

This award/grant seeks to recognize and promote academic excellence at Alpena Community College by honoring noteworthy full-time faculty members and providing $5,000 in resources for improving instruction, academic programs, and professional development.

Dr. Russell H. and Fromilda Y. Wilson Endowed Teaching Chair Award Grant – Specifications

This award/grant seeks to recognize and promote academic excellence at Alpena Community College by honoring noteworthy full-time faculty members and providing $5,000 in resources for improving instruction, academic programs, and professional development.

Types of awards include:

  1. An award to pursue a particular project for research, publication, technology, or instructional/program/institutional improvement or initiative.
  2. An award to pursue professional development, such as advanced coursework, an advanced degree, or specialized workshop/internship activity.

Two criteria guide the selection process:

  1. Proposal: The value and quality of the applicant’s proposal.
  2. Professional Excellence: The applicant’s record of contributions to advancement and improvement in instruction and the esteem expressed by his or her colleagues.

Available to non-probationary full-time members of the ACC Faculty Council as defined in the recognition clause of the current ACC Faculty Council – ACC Board of Trustees Contract, applicants must have held his/her position as an ACC Faculty Council member for at least four (4) regular academic-year semesters. The award may be used in conjunction with a sabbatical. If an Endowed Teaching Chair recipient’s employment status changes during the term of the award, he/she will forfeit the unspent portion of the award at the discretion of the Selection Committee.

Deadline: April 1 (notification of award will occur within two [2] months of deadline)

Submit complete application to the ACC Foundation/Endowed Teaching Chair Award/Grant
665 Johnson St., Alpena, Michigan, 49707
ATTN: Penny Boldrey, Interim Executive Director of ACC Foundation, 989-358-7297, boldreyp@alpenacc.edu

A Complete Application Includes:

  1. Signed Endowed Teaching Chair Award/Grant - Specifications
  2. Complete Common Grant Application – Cover Sheet, Narratives, Budget
  3. Supplementals – Support literature, biographies, video/links, etc. conducive to the grant screening committee’s understanding of the proposed project/program may complement the application.
  4. Letters of Recommendation
    1. Two brief letters of recommendation; at least one from an ACC faculty colleague, and excluding letter(s) from senior ACC administrations (president or vice president level), to be sent by the recommender directly to Brenda Herman, ACC Foundation Director, Alpena Community College, 665 Johnson Street, Alpena, MI 49707 or by college mail to BTC-125


I understand that the requirements for Endowed Teaching Chair Award/Grant are stated above.  I also understand that ACC is not responsible for the planning, marketing, or implementation of the proposed project/program. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make the project/program a success using the resources of the grant as approved.  I also understand that once the project is complete, I have thirty (30) days to submit a Common Application – Final Report.