VectorSolutions at ACC

Online Training
Online Portal to ACC VectorSolutions
The online training is available and offered to all ACC students and employees. This program offers several self-paced safety courses that can be accessed 24/7 and come with a printable certificate of successful completion. The certificates do not need to be signed for completion. Each course takes about half an hour to complete and will walk you through situations that you might encounter.
Topics include:
- Sexual Violence Awareness
- Bystander Intervention
- Study Skills
- Time Management
- Cybersecurity
- And more
Some of the topics covered in these trainings are “hot” or contentious topics. These topics could cause you to feel uncomfortable if your previously held thoughts are challenged, or re-traumatized if you have been victimized in the past. It is important to cover these topics in order to better understand them. If you yourself feel traumatized by any topic covered or video watched, please reach out to one of the resources below.
Community Agencies:
Hope Shores Alliance of Alpena 989.356.2560
Hope Shores Alliance of Oscoda 989.739.0144
Hope Shores Alliance Toll-Free 800.396.9129
Legal Services 989.356.9081
Department of Human Services 989.354.7200
Community Mental Health 989.356.2161
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.4673

Students will receive information on VectorSolutions through their MyACC email or their personal email. This email will come from a non-ACC email address but will have information identifying it as VectorSolutions through ACC. Students will also receive emails periodically throughout the semester reminding them to complete their training. This training is mandatory. While only a few of the topics are mandatory, students are encouraged to complete any additional training topics that they find interesting. These trainings cover topics that will be beneficial to students not only during their time at ACC but as they go forward in life.
Questions?Nancy Seguin
Dean of Students